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​The images on this site are part of an ongoing project to get these worlds onto paper.

some basic info- some relating to real life


  • Corone and Fractus were originally - A ring shaped continent where the middle and edges were voids (Corone). Stairways would lead to lands below (Fractus) Sometime around 2005 the worlds were changed to the current interpretation.

so it basically (sort of) looked like this, but they were invisible to each other


  • Trenzar is (kind of) Corone and Fractus jammed together

  • Dune is the oldest character. (appeared in 1998)





  • It is not uncommon for characters to be abstract at first (it can take a long time and many drawings for me to interpret them correctly)

  • many characters exist on a sliding scale (both of these are considered correct interpretations of the same character)

  The ones that first appeared in dreams are usually stuck on this side. (pretty much why they are most often drawn this way)

  • some of the regions are heavily influenced by places I've been.

  • giving all the places and characters names has been one the most challenging parts (I always just knew who and where everything was in relation to each other)

  • the Corone version of Ford died unexpectedly in 2008 leaving its part in the story incomplete.

  • here are some embarrassing old drawings. I'm going to guess they're from 2005-07. (I would put up the first, but I don't think I have it anymore.)


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